World Trade Center Attack

World Trade Center Attack-More than two decades after the September 11 terrorist attacks that claimed nearly 3,000 lives in the United States, DNA analysis has identified the remains of two 22-year-olds killed in the World Trade Center explosion. According to AFP, the information of the two victims (a man and a woman) was removed from the media at the request of their families.

The number of 9/11 victims according to this The city’s Office of Health and Medical Officers (OCME) said there were up to 1,649 confirmed patients.

World Trade Center Attack-9/11 attack

Al Qaeda agents crashed two hijacked planes into the Twin Towers in New York, killing a total of 2,753 people. According to news agencies, the total number of deaths in terrorist attacks that day was 2,977.

“We hope these new statistics will lead to some relief,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams said in a statement released Friday evening. The Chief Medical Officer is a testament to the City’s commitment to reuniting all World Trade Center victims with their loved ones. “

World Trade Center Attack-9/11 attack

According to media reports, the identities of the two victims were determined using “next-generation sequencing technology that is more sensitive and faster than DNA technology.” 

Prior to this, the last two September 11 attacks targeted the victims of the attack for approximately two It happened years ago, in 2021. 1,104 people have been killed so far. The identities of the poor have not been identified and have been identified. The progression of their characters has been slow.

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